SSROWA (Sumadhura Silver Ripples Owners Welfare Association)
We thank you for your continued support in delivering the services to the residents of Sumadhura Silver Ripples. We would like to extend our thanks to all the staff at SSR for their commitment and hard work. As MC of SSROWA, we had decided to identify the top performers across various departments periodically and reward them for their performance.
We have identified the below staff from Paradigm Facility management Services as the top performers. They have been consistent in their performance and are considered as valuable team members by the Management Committee of SSROWA.
1. Electro Mechanical Team – Mr.Darshan, Technical Facility Manager
2. Housekeeping – Ms. Renuka
3. Housekeeping – Ms. Ashok
We will be rewarding them with a cash award in the week of 25th December. We believe this recognition will improve morale and keep the team members motivated and bring excellence in their service. It has been our pleasure to be working with such dedicated and committed team members.